Monday, August 10, 2009

10Aug2009- Day 4

Somehow I messed up the actual date of my blogs. Oh well.
Today started out on a rather funny note. Taylor, after eating all those strawberries last night, had another super full diatey and so it was leaking all over the sheets and jammies. So I removed everything, cleaned her up and realized that a bath was definitely in order. So I set the naked baby down to run around before her bath, laughing at her cute little naked butt running all over the place and laughed when she tried to climb (rather unsuccessfully) into the bathtub as it filled with water.
All of a sudden, as she is standing naked next to the bathrub, she pees. But this pee was different than any other pee before it. This pee was noticed by the pee-er. She stared down her leg, as pee puddled onto the floor, and wasn't just aware. She seemed truly upset. The look of shock and almost horror and fear, maybe embarrassment? made me laugh and immediately reassure her "it's ok!". I really thought she was about to cry from the look on her face. I don't have any idea what she was really thinking, or if she even knew she was making her leg and feet wet, but she certainly didn't seem happy about it.
Oh, how I love my prissy little baby girl. And I have to admit that today I realized I was guilty. I am guilty of girlifying her. I encourage her to play with her baby dolls, to be gentle and give everyone kisses and hugs, I put her in almost exclusively pink clothing, laugh and cater to her when she gets upset about dirty hands, and even cheer and praise her when she attempts to brush her hair. We even bought her a pretend kitchen. All of this, and I don't feel guilty. Secretly, while Daddy is away I am giddy with the amount of girly things I can get away with. She'll be practically in pageants when he returns (just kidding! unless she wants to of At the same time, I don't want to limit her. I want to get her a tool bench, too. I want her to like to hang with daddy in the garage and hand him tools when he is home again. But, I guess while daddy is away; with barbies we will play!!!

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