Sunday, October 4, 2009

4Oct2009 - Day 58

I slept in today. I'm not so sure that Taylor did; because I heard her talking and squirming around sometime during the 8am hour. I felt slightly guilty, laying in bed those extra few minutes; but when she's in her crib in the morning (unless she sees me) she's totally happy and content and not fussing at all. As soon as she sees me, she can't be placed back in the crib without a total fit. So around 9am, I, the bad sleeping in mommy, went and got her. She was totally content; and greeted me as I went into the room. Sadie was in tow, as she was due to go outside and had determined that I had no idea that she needed to go out; and was going to remind me of it every 6 seconds or so. Taylor said, "hi baby!" as I opened the door and we played the taylor-runs-all-over-the-crib-while-mommy-tries-to-scoop-her-out game. I got her changed up, and downstairs we went. I placed her in her high chair. She knew where she was, and made the sign for "hungry" to let me know she wanted breakfast. This is all new, and I've been trying to teach her various signs. I was so proud that she did it on her own. I gave her a tray full of cheerios, which placated her, and took Sadie outside. Because we were late getting out there, it didn't take her long to poop; meaning we could come back in. Breakfast was good; then we spent the better part of the morning watching handy manny on disney channel and me reading people magazine. She found a random copy of another people magazine and brought it to me to read to her. She has been doing this a lot; and turning around then plopping into my lap for me to read it to her. Around 11, I decided that it was naptime. We went up to my bed, and she seemed to concur with my feelings about naptime; because she went to asleep as soon as I placed her in the bed. We slept for about two hours (oh heaven!), but I must be honest when I say that I am not used to sleeping and having naps so I really don't feel like I slept much. I feel like I spent the better part of that time trying to sleep. Well, when she's awake; there is no going back to sleep, so we were up. We showered, and I do mean we. I did my shower, then brought her in and washed her up. She seemed curious (at best) about what was going on. She truly didn't love it. Especially the part where her head got wet in the shower. We dressed, she slipped on the wet floor a few times. I decided that no makeup and no blow drying of the hair was best. I was going au natural today. (Don't get that confused with comando. lol)
We got ourselves packed, while having lunch, and then headed out to do our errands before going to the Delmos house. On base, to the PX, to pick up various movies, video games, board games for daddy. To delmos house, to drop off taylor; then I went to walmart to pick up my pictures. (To send to Adam, of course) Delmo had originally wanted Indian food for his birthday; but folks are picky, so he settled for mexican food. So I called Sabrina at work to see what he would like, and planned on ordering Indian carry out to take over to their house. She picked it up, because the restaurant was in Puyallup. He was really happy; but it was like $70 for what $30 of chinese food would cost. Damn his sophisticated palette. Either way, it was good. Tomorrow, we have the little gym class and then they are coming to house to help me. Woman and I are going to clean; and Delmo is going to put shelves in the area above the fireplace and perhaps change Adam's tires to winter tires. I'm just stoked that the house will be clean. It seems I never have enough time to get it all done. Thank goodness for awesome friends!

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