OMG. TGIfingF. That was so not PG. That was not something a mommy says. But, I did. Because it's my last Friday before the cruise! Sometimes, you just have to drop an F-Bomb or two. Ok, so today was productive. I got up at 7, which is a miracle. I usually snooze way too long, and then Taylor is awake and my whole shower-before-the-wubbamayter-wakes-up plan is out the window. Today, it worked. She awoke as I was finishing my hair and makeup. Perfecto. Needless to say, we were out of the house by 830; which has to be a record, and I was on my way to having time to stop at babies r us before work! Dropped her at Darina's, and proceeded to the store. I was early; they open at 930, so I went to jack in the box for breakfast. $1.04 gets an egg, ham and cheese sammy on a bun. wow. It was an actual egg, too. Not the liquidy stuff. Not too shabby for a buck. Unfortunately, babies r us had...nothing. I got a rain cover for the stroller (which I've wanted for a year now; but always went to late in the fall and they were sold out) and made my way to work. It was a busy, but not overwhelming day. Really, everything sailed along at a smooth pace. I left closer to five than four, which worried me. Holiday weekend + 1 major route out of the area + me having to drive that route = hella traffic + a two hour drive home. Shock and awe, though. I-5 was clear all the way to Ft Lewis. It was insane. All summer long my Friday commutes have been at least 45 minutes. Today, nothing. It was almost eerie how little traffic there was. Where was everyone??? Why aren't they flocking out of town for their last chance at a summer weekend before school starts???
Who knows, but I wasn't mad! Taylor was surprisingly cheerful when I arrived. She's usually cranky because she's so tired. Her naps aren't very long at Darina's. Too much to do, too many other kids and toys to play with. We went home and ate dinner; spaghetti for her wasn't the best idea I've ever had. After dinner, a thorough baby wipes wiping down, and a new outfit; we were off to Kohl's. Kohl's was relatively successful. Since mom had bought Taylor "jumping beans" clothes from there, I've been in love. They are perfect playclothes. They're cheap (2 for 10), mix-matchable, and comfortable. While they do stain easily, if not pre-treated right away...who could argue for a shirt or pants or leggings for $4.50 a piece??? I got 5 or 6 outfits, some with leggings, some with pants, one with jeans. Still, no hat or mittens or formal dress. So, we stroll next door to Target. And I am so glad we did! I found just about everything I needed for the cruise. (and then some. sigh. I spent a jillion dollars.) I did alleviate some money spending guilt, though, because I found GI Joe sheets for adam and a full sized pillow for super cheap. (it was $2.99. wow) If it gets torn up, I'll send a new one! I got her a dress, another pair of shoes, two sets of hat and mittens (winnie the pooh, too. They're so cute!), another coat that is water resistant and has two pieces that come apart and a hood!!!, loungy pants and shirt for me, eye shadow for me, underwear for me...and a few travel toiletries. Tarjay totally came through for me tonight!!! Now, I can sit; jillions of dollars spent, and feel prepared for the cruise and pretty much most of winter, lol.
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