Happy Birthday little sister Dana! Or I should say, younger sister. She's taller than me. Either way, I got some great presents and a fantastic card. Too bad it's all sitting in the box that I put everything to mail. I did get to call her, though. I can't believe my little anad is 22. And I can't believe she's only a year younger than Rylee. Weird. They seem so different. That was probably dumb to say, but Rylee seems much older than her age. She doesn't look it, but she acts it.
Today was day 2 back to work. It was so slow, it was painful. When I went to get Taylor from Darina's, they were outside playing. Darina picked her up and walked over towards me, and Taylor was super cheerful (despite not having a nap, according to Darina). Taylor looked at me, smiled, and said "bye bye!" and looked away. LOL She wanted to stay and play. Darina handed her over to me, and you'd think the world had ended. I totally understood why she was acting that way, so it made it much easier not to have hurt feelings. It wasn't that she didn't want mommy, it was that mommy coming to Darina's represented the end of playtime. And no child wants playtime to end. Especially an overtired one. So, needless to say, she was asleep before we even got out of Darina's neighborhood. She stayed asleep on the sofa for awhile, as I cooked dinner. Until she woke up and promptly fell off and into the coffee table. I had her propped and blocked, but still she managed to fall off. Her poor little cheek is all scratched up, too. I will say, despite the fact that she was hurt and screaming crying, it never seems to last long. She cries, gets it out, and moves on quickly. She is a trooper. Dinner was challenging, as it always is with a cranky baby. Afterwards, we shared a drumstick cone, where I met serious opposition if I tried to actually hold the cone. I basically had to bring the cone with her hand to my mouth so I could quickly lick it and prevent it from melting onto her hands. She thoroughly enjoys ice cream cones. I mean the actual cone itself. I ate most of the outer chocolate, because I was worried about it upsetting her stomach like it did Adam when he was her age. (and that's my story and I'm sticking to it.) Afterwards, we sat, me sitting mostly and her squirming around, then up, then back to sitting, then up, then...well, you get the idea, watching Duplicity. Eight rolled around, and I thought I should put her to bed before I fell asleep next to her on the couch and she fell off again....
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