my first foray into make-ahead meals!
For the record, I really don't like mornings.
Most moms probably know that getting up and getting yourself ready for the day is hard enough, but when you throw a willfull four year old into the mix, mornings can be downright traumatic!
Then, you have to feed yourself and small obstreperous child.
I thought I was a genius when I started to make yogurt smoothies to go (find the link here). Healthy, delicious, and portable!
But, even I can agree with my punky tot that having a smoothie every, single day for breakfast isn't exactly satisfying. After the first month or so, the novelty had worn off and I was again dealing with tiny-fisted, high-pitched fits of protest.
Enter: Oatmeal. I discovered these little cups of joy in Target one day. The Apple Walnut Oatmeal was from my amateur nutritionist's (aka Mom) perspective, not too bad for you. So I bought a few to try, and they were quite delicious and portable.
Lugging them along to school for me was no problem, and they kept me occupied during my economics class, and full throughout the morning through pre-calc. Unfortunately, the small human doesn't eat enough to eat a whole one.
Not to mention, they cost between $1.79 and $2.00+ per container. Multiply that by 3 every day (or, more accurately, on days when the hubby remembers to feed himself in the mornings) and breakfast was getting quite expensive.
Now, we are on a very small budget, and our grocery bill is based on what I make in tips; so this wasn't going to fly. Plus, I just knew I could make them myself with better ingredients and for much cheaper!
Now, to be honest, if I could eat only organic, whole, unprocessed foods, I would; but we just can't afford it. Plain and simple, plus, I just do not have the time to put that much energy into it. If I did, I would. It's a much healthier way to eat, and I applaud all moms who can make that happen for their family. But, in all honesty, once the semester starts, I am lucky to wash my hair three times a week or clean the bathrooms twice a month. (Cringe, I know, but don't worry. I have a great hubby that picks up slack for me! While he can't wash my hair for me, he does help around the house.)
Needless to say, I used regular stuff for my oatmeal. I bought the store brand dried fruit (except craisins, because, well, it's a brand loyalty thing). As this is my first food blog, I didn't take a picture of all my ingredients before hand to post here; but I'll remember that for next time! (Live and learn...)
I did, however, choose to use old-fashioned oats instead of the quick-cook kind, and this is why:
On the left are the old-fashioned oats, and on the right are the quick-cooking oats. The old-fashioned seemed like they were less-processed (could be all in my head!) and like they'd give the oatmeal some texture. I am not a fan of smushy, gloppy, gunk for oatmeal.
I made two kinds: Apple Walnut, and Blueberry Almond
I chopped up the dried apples before adding them, because the pieces were huge!

I froze some Simply Apple Juice in a mini-muffin tin, to add to the oatmeal when it was ready to be made.
This is the test bowl of Apple Walnut (with Craisins!)
Stored snack bags of oatmeal can be stored in the oatmeal cannisters!
Got a little crazy, and decided to decorate the cans with leftover scrapbook paper! I used one 12x12 sheet cut to the right length and wrapped around the cannister, plus a round one for the top!
The paper doesn't wrap fully around the cannister; but decorative duck tape secures the paper to the cannister, and closes the gap!
The recipe can be found here.
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