Friday, September 4, 2009

3Sept2009 - Day 28

Alright, I'm getting sloppy here. I need to stay on top of these blogs. I'm actually writing this one on the 4th; but we'll keep that as our secret.
So tonight, the 3rd...(lol) I had the best idea ever that didn't work! I thought that I could get off of work, go get Taylor, go home and eat, give her a bath, put her in her jammies, then take her to the super mall (a thirty minute drive) and give her a bottle there while I shopped and she'd go to sleep. Eh-eh. No ma-am. It all went according to plan, until we arrived at the mall. She sucked the bottle down, and....stayed awake. The whole time. She was a bit fussy around 8-830 when it was her normal bedtime. Otherwise, it wasn't as terrible as I thought. I must say, at Banana Republic, I was trying clothes on and she was particularly fussy and ruined it for me. I bought nothing. Just as well, though. She did, on the upside, fall asleep on the way home. I even managed to remove her from the car, put her in her crib, change her diaper and she stayed asleep.
It was a pretty fruitless shopping trip, too. Mom had told me that Old Navy had an adorable coat, and on the picture text that she was. But when I got there, it wasn't. It was a weird shade of pink, and looked kind of cheap. That Old Navy has the most picked over, awful kid section. It's never as good as other ones. All I got from Super Mall was a cute pink vest from Gymboree. I went to look for mittens, hats, coats, a dressy dress, loungy clothes for me...NADA. Like, no one had any mittens or whatnot. Either way, it was dissapointing; but I was glad to know that I'd scoured the entire outlet mall before deciding it was full of nothing I needed.

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