Saturday, August 29, 2009

29Aug2009 - Day 23

I'm thinking I may join C.A. Cupcakes Anonymous. I baked another "round" today. I think I've eaten 4. Even as I write this, I'm embarrassed. I can see all the judging looks as it's being read. Well, at least everyone will feel better about themselves knowing they didn't eat 4 cupcakes. On the upside, they were made with egg whites only. lol, who am I kidding? Rylee came over for dinner and we watched Twilight, and read People magazine. I just love our girl time. It was only ruined by Sadie's foul rotten tuna or rotten girl bits breath. It really smells as though she swallowed a tuna, and it never digested. And she doesn't breathe very lightly. It's more of a fat man that can't chew and breathe at once type of breathing. Plus, she kept farting on us.
The day of today was pretty good though. Try as I could to just let the house be messy and just relax and watch tv...I had to at least do dishes, laundry, clean the downstairs toilet and put away the clean laundry. I just can't relax with all that going on around me. And besides, who else would do it?
Even with that thrown in intermittently throughout the morning, it was still relaxing. It was gray and cool and raining, which is very comforting. It grows from annoying to expected to comforting and relaxing when you live in a place where there is so much rain. It's an excuse to hang out inside and not get dressed and lay on the couch. It was amazing though, because I was able to watch Taylor in full on destruction mode. I don't know how Darina's house is not totally torn apart when I get there every day. She can toss an entire room in less than 3 minutes. Now, she's learned how to open our dresser drawers. Thank goodness it wasn't as interesting as the laundry basket full of hangers. I'm also super grossed out by the fact that she keeps "eating" dog food. Rylee totally called it today, though. She only insists on going to the food because she gets my attention immediately. And we play the mommy-sits-taylor-down-and-taylor-stands-back-up game. At least, that's what I'm sure it is to her. So, tomorrow. I will totally ignore it every time (which will be torture) she goes to the dog bowl. What makes me think that Rylee is correct is that she never actually eats the dog food. She just puts it in her mouth and spits it out in my hand when I ask her to. What I can't quite understand is...well, a few things.
1. Why does she want my attention, literally ALL the time?
2. Why doesn't she get that I'm mad? 3-whatever. Why is it funny to her? Where is my mommy look that is supposed to work? Why doesn't yelling scare or intimidate her? Why doesn't NOT yelling scare or intimidate her? Why does she insist on fake eating dog food? Does she like the flavor? Would she eat it if she could chew it more easily? And I thought "no" was supposed to be one of her first few words. I think she has no clue what "no" means. She never listens to it, or attempts to say it. Instead, she says complicated two-syllable words like "outside"????!!!
This small person, who literally clings to my legs after 6:30pm every night, and who runs from me outside when I call her, and who can say "all done" when she's done eating, but usually chooses to throw food on the floor instead, is a total paradox and mystery to me. I don't get it at all. I need the handbook! WHY ISN'T THERE A HANDBOOK!!!!

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