Ugh. Feels like day 4 trillion! So exhausted today. I think it's because of a few things:
1. It's 7:46 pm and still 96 degrees (and I haven't shaved my legs so I am not in shorts. ugh)
2. I found a new morning routine that seems to be more efficient and effective. See I was getting up at 730 or 745 or so when Taylor woke up. That meant that I had to get up, run down and let the dog out, come back in and get her breakfast and my coffee, take it upstairs, get her up and changed and dressed, get her situated in my room, get in the shower with multiple interruptions from curious eyes and hands reaching out into the water spray, and finish getting ready with her underfoot (literally, mostly) or trying to eat the french toast out of the bathroom trash that I threw away because it fell on the not-cleaned-as-often-as-I-should bathroom floor. Oh, it's so hectic and stressful. And we were always running late, and getting all our breakfast stuff, my coffee, and her downstairs, oh wait! Take Sadie out again, wipe Taylor down from playing in the dog cage and spilling dog water everywhere, attempt to load into the car without the animals escaping (which is tough when you have a 2' person who needs to hold hands to get down 3 steps)...ugh. It was so much that yesterday, when she crawled into the cage and spilled the water all over the place and ruined the food and pillow- I lost it. I screamed in the kitchen in frustration. It was more of a gutteral argh! noise. I knew something had to be done. It was totally normal for her to do this. And not her fault, and not worthy of such a reaction. I don't want to be angry stressed out mommy!
So, revamp.
Alarm set for 645, snoozed till 710. Showered, with Sadie locked in the bathroom so she couldn't poop on the hall carpet (she won't pee), got dressed, did hair and makeup. Peeked on the baby, who was waking up, took the dog out and got breakfast and coffee ready. Went and got baby up, dressed, and downstairs for breakfast. At 830, we had time for both of us to sit down at the table and eat breakfast. Oh, it was lovely. Still, it was hectic getting into the car; but having breakfast for the first time in awhile was nice. I wasn't starved to death at work.
Speaking of food, yesterday was just poor all around. Before I left for work, I put the stew beef, seasoning packet, onions, and water in the crock pot to make stroganoff (OMG the McCormick's seasoning slow cooker pack is unbelievable) and turned it on low and off we went. When I came home and opened the door, no aroma of succulent beef hit me. I went to the kitchen and discovered....I didn't plug it in. Ugh. Ruined, and thrown out. We ended up eating edamame, veggie riblets, and garlic and olive oil noodles. I was so mad. I had been looking forward to that all day. Just one of the many stupid things I've done lately. I'm sure due to the stress. I refuse to give in, though. If I can just discipline myself enough to get up on time, get ready first, get the coffee ready the night before, laundry done on Sunday (what will I do with that during football season!!!!), and remember to cook dinner....I'll survive. Thank goodness for the upcoming cruise. And, according to our packet (with an awesome carrying case, dividers and tons of info...oh, i love a good kit), we have a deluxe verrandah sweet so it includes 100 minutes of internet time in the internet room!!! Blog on, sister, blog on.
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