Drunken quotes as heard at 1$%3 195yth St
"my aioli is as big as a cinnabon cookie." - Kristy
Kristy to Sabrina; What is your address?
Sabrina: (insert correct address)
Kristy types totally wrong address. (see above)
Sabrina: Why did you ask me if you're gonna type the totally wrong address?
Delmo: Here's your boy, Kristy
Kristy: Who?
Delmo: Asher whatever the...
Kristy: That's your boy.
Delmo: Yeah, it is. He's drinkin' that fag pink shit.
Delmo, finally admitting it: "I AM FRENCH!"
Delmo to Kristy "WTF did u just slap my dog's ass?"
Delmo to Kristy and Sabrina (in regards to the infomercial about growing larger breasts) : "See, Look at that!"
Kristy: I don't need to see that, I see breasts every day!"
Delmo: But we are men!
Kristy: No, Delmo. There's just you.
Delmo, sullenly: Dammit Adam! Where are you man?!"
Sabrina needs contacts.
e o u y t l p g
e o u y t l p g
She thought that said "I thought you were someone who'd want to blog about your ideals." She likes the word "Ideals." LOL Love my woman.
Kristy to Sabrina (in response to her response to Delmo having "one time" to punch her (we are watching a Rhianna video, ugh weak chicks suck) "Woman I know how crazy you are." Sabrina said that if Delmo ever hit her, he better knock her out and run far away. And when she woke up she'd take his dog and skewer his carcass in the front lawn. We women are passionate.
I know it sounds really brutal, but honestly; we women are passionate about being treated with respect. And we expect our daughters to have the same expectations. How can they feel that they are worthy of pedestal treatment if we don't let them live that????
Honestly, it was much funnier when embibed an entire bottle of malibu and listening to eminem's angry hip-hop; but it really was funny.
you had to be there.
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