Dear Skinny Kristy,
I am writing this letter to you, skinny kristy of the future (thirty pounds in three months??!?) in order to express to you congratulations for sticking with it! The final straw was a picture taken in Portland this past weekend. I was sitting (ugh) and leaning (ugh, more squishiness) and honestly, embarrassingly I couldn't see where boobs ended and belly began. Not to mention the fat girl arms. I was thoroughly disgusted. I can not take it anymore. I must be more conscientious about what is going into my mouth (please insert innappropriate sexual references here....) and get off of my lazy butt and exercise. I am totally out of excuses. I don't want to get out of bed in the morning, and I like food. These are the reasons I am fat. I will also keep account, as public record even!, my food intake for the day. I feel like putting it up here, on my blog, for all to see....will make me accountable. It will make it real. I can't hide from the internet!
So here goes:
For breakfast:
Peanut Butter and Grape Jelly Uncrustables. (which I thought wasn't too bad, and it isn't but it isn't really great, either. Not a lot of protein (which I hear keeps you full and energized!)
For lunch (which I couldn't eat until after work, because I was busy):
Healthy Choice Fresh Mixers, Ziti and Meat Sauce (I know, I know. A lot of processed food. I do need to work on that; but quick counts and is necessary. Hmm, fruit is quick. Perhaps, I could squeeze in a banana at work while I'm working just to curb the beasties.)
In the car, on the way to pick up Taylor, I was accosted by a bag of Goldfish (with whole grain!lol as if.) and ate ten of them. Yes, I did count.
For dinner: (and this is where it gets really good, because I promised myself a healthy veggie dinner, and I am so proud because I stuck to it!!!!)
Green Giant carrots, white beans and spinach in a garlic butter sauce. (Again, yes, I am aware of all the processed food today; but frozen veggies have a lot of nutrients, too. And I read the nutritional information on this one. It's pretty good for me.)
For dessert, I did have a mini chocolate cupcake and cream cheese frosting. I also took a vitamin and drank my giant coffee with sugar free (not, unfortunately, calorie free) creamer. I am currently attempting to hydrate; and drink at least thirty ounces of water today.
Well, to be honest. That was really hard. In actually putting it all on paper; I am sort of ashamed. Today was me trying really hard, and I feel like I ate a lot of already made foods. I also feel, right now, like I really want to snack; because that is always what I do. Instead, I will attempt to meet my water quota. I am not really hungry; I don't think; but I don't think I ate enough calories today. I don't want to ruin my hard work with a hot pocket or ice cream or something; but I think tomorrow I should focus on eating more earlier and eating home cooked foods in the future. I will most likely continue with my healthy choice meals until I find a better take-it-to-work and eat-it-really-quick solution.
Tomorrow, I am going to attempt to get my freshly motivated butt out of bed and go work out. My plan is to be up at 6:30 and leaving by 7 (Taylor in tow), to work out by 7:30 and done by 8:30, home again by 8:45 and leaving the house by 9:45 to get to work by 10.
We'll see how that goes. It will be hectic and is all dependent on not hitting snooze.
Wish me luck, future beautiful-in-a-bathingsuit-self!
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