Thursday, January 28, 2010


Ah, rainy grey paradise washington. Actually, when you least expect it Washington catches you and holds you captive by its beauty. I was taking taylor out of the car, and as we whipped around to search (in vain) for the moon, I saw this beautiful grey mist shrouding these giant strong looking evergreens. It was gorgeous. In an appreciation-for-grey-misty-weather kind of way. But, goreous nonetheless.
So I've been reading up on facebook statuses of people I "used" to know. It occurs to me, some of them are pretty cool now. Some of their statuses catch me off guard on a regular basis and I find myself wishing I had gotten to know people better back in the day. I've always been a horrible keeper-in-toucher; not sure why, but I am. I'd like to be better at it, and thank goodness technology allows me this without any actual contact. lol. I can email, text, facebook message, blog. When the time difference takes its toll on communication, I am thankful for the technology allowing me to keep in touch...sort of. It seems totally impersonal, but also exciting because of the newness of it. Weird.
I've also decided that I am obsessive. I need something to obsess about constantly. Right now, it's finding the right purse. I think I've narrowed it down to a few, but I am literally looking daily. Online, in stores, at everyone else's bag. You'd think I was buying a house. I'm not even planning on spending more than $100. LOL. OBSESSIVE. Various previous obsessions come to mind. Scrapbooking, baking (still enjoy that, but my waistline does now), the Sopranos, my hair, matching Taylor's socks and bib to her outfits, SimCity....I'm sure I could go on. But, if I think really goes way back! I had an obsession with the color blue during senior week in Ocean City that involved nails, bracelets, my polo sport messenger bag (lol). Ok, now I may be taking it a little too far; but that previous revelation just prompted me to search for "ralph lauren bag" on google. I found the blue one I used to have on ebay. Plus, I found a really great weekender bag for cheap, which brings to mind another ongoing obsession...Ralph Lauren. Argh. Well, I guess I could be worse. I could be buying things. I could be obsessed with cleaning and freak out when someone messes up the lines I've vacuumed into the carpet.

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