So I've decided that it isn't cheating to combine days. I mean, honestly, I don't have profound realizations and amazing epiphanies or action packed days every day. Some days are extraordinarily boring. Some days, I spend the morning hanging around, cleaning, cooking eggs for breakfast, watching disney channel, showering in peace during a wubba mayter nap, then venturing over the the Delmos house for an evening of the most delicious pork chops of my life, three vodka/sprite zeros, and extreme makeover: home edition. Yes, some days are Sundays.
I could, however, devote an entire day's blog to the win of the ravens over the devil spawn broncos. (haha woman and brian) I almost feel as though I am doing an injustice to the great 2010 Ravens by not devoting a blog just to the day of their triumph over the crappos. But, then, would it be too much hoopla over A win. It would almost put too much emphasis on one singular win. It would almost suggest that we win so infrequently, that a whole day's blog should be devoted to the rare and elusive event. But, no. Our streak of losses was broken, and a paragraph in a blog devoted to two days is sufficient celebratory remark space. (Some would call it gloating.)
Today, Monday, was great. Taylor woke up at 7am sharp (dang daylights savings time!); my alarm ringing in unison to her dainty inquisitive "mommy?"s. We jumped out of bed, eager to begin the day. (HAHA. Bet everyone that knows me is like "yeah, right.") I stumbled out, sleepy eyed. I think some eyelashes were stuck to my face. A diaper change, outfit change, and bed making later, we were headed downstairs for breakfast. Sadie in tow, I deposited her outside in the (sigh) fenced yard (so jealous, delmos. So jealous) to do her business while I fed Taylor some creme caramel yogurt parfait, brewed the sweet nectar of the gods for myself, and miked some veggie sausages. (I noticed that Sabrina prefers to call them soy sausages. Funny, the things we tell ourselves. I feel better thinking they are made of veggies. She feels better thinking they are made of soy. Not sure which is more accurate.) Woman eventually made it downstairs, and we were on our way a bit earlier than, quite frankly, ever before. We stopped for her to get some coffee, and to the Little Gym we went. Arriving early for the first time ever, I registered for our next session. Taylor and I will now be able to go every Monday until June! I chose the three tier payment plan, because that allows me to save the cash each time and not have to use the bank account. The class went alright, but Taylor was slightly cranky and tired and thus, less cooperative and social. I don't know if it's the time change, or the teething; but she has like three teeth breaking through all at once. Poor baby. After the Little Gym, we pit stopped at Costco so woman could get some christmas presents that she'd seen there before. Of course, we were both dissapointed. There were no samplers, and both gifts she'd been looking for were gone. I did find a small gift for Delmo for christmas, and she bought some scotch tape for wrapping presents. I dropped her off at her house, then proceeded to my house for the dog leash and then to Darina's to drop Taylor off. I headed back to Sabrina's, where we had lunch and then were on our way for our 3.7 mile walk with ALL three dogs. It was smooth sailing until we got to a road about halfway in our loop. It was a "country" road. Neighborhoods, and farms lining it; there was no sidewalk and barely a shoulder. Cars were zooming by, some were veering into the oncoming lane to give us space. The dogs were freaking out; Scruffy refused to walk and was carried. Dash whined and cried. Sadie, however, was on the best behavior of the entire walk. Wierd dog. After we decided that our lives were more important than this three mile walk, we determined that we'd try different spots each Monday. We'll do the airfield loop (a few miles) on base, we'll go downtown Tacoma and do the new dog friendly loop. Our goal is to walk a few miles each Monday. And judging by the burn of my knee pits, inner thighs, and calves when I flex; I could use the continued exercise. I really want to be healthy. I don't smoke, but my lower back hurts when I sit too long. My stomach muscles feel on fire from the yoga, and are obviously all stretched apart from Miss Taylor. I'd like to strenghthen them before I have permanent back issues. Already, I feel improved posture from the yoga, and less back pain. Plus, it totally beat laying around doing nothing all day or running errands.
We are new women now!
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