Saturday, October 10, 2009

10Oct2009 - Day 64

Sweet relaxing, unobligated Saturday! Woke up around the usual time, got the mayter up (who has acute diaper rash so bad it bled!)(I say acute, because yesterday she didn't have it. Then she pooped while I was at Darina's and when Darina changed her, it looked like a chemical burn. It was awful. She was screaming and crying, too, which made it hard to clean it.)(Poor chunka tata!)
Anwyway, we got dressed, brushed teeth, and came downstairs to start breakfast. Rylee was joining us for pancakes (Rylee's with chocolate chips, mine with butterscotch and topped with granola) around 9am. She knows us, so she was a touch late...because we are always running a touch late. It worked out great, because she got here just as I was about to cook the pancakes. We ate them; I swear they were too thin. It was strange. I followed the recipe, but the batter seemed watery. I'm so fired. After that, she stayed a bit, but had to go to her mother's house, so she was gone around noon. Around then, Taylor was getting cranky. So I put her down for a nap, and came downstairs to the computer. I did her christmas list, wrote up what the bills were for the month, did some laundry, put some laundry away, made a plan to pay off our credit cards, made a mental note to talk to Adam about it, and then sat down and started to read the Ikea catalog. Around then, mom called. Of course, Taylor woke up at the same time as when she called.
She was so cute when I walked in. She sleeps on her stomach, with her legs tucked up underneath her, and butt up in the air. So when she wakes up, she sits up. She had, presumably, just sat up when I walked in, because she still looked super sleepy and confused. Her bed head was adorable. A bed head that, by the way, she is (as of late) in a perpetual state of. Her hair is growing out long enough to be wild, but too short to restrain. It's a hot mess at all times, sticking out here and there, in her eyes almost all of the time. It cracks me up, because it grows in the middle of her head, into her eyes; but doesn't really grow at all on the sides. Poor girl has a forehead and her daddy. lol
Anyway, she proceeded to run around the house after we came back downstairs. She really does an amazing job of just running around doing absolutely nothing and loving it. She just does laps. Sometimes she'll pick up a shoe (or a sock, as she calls it) from the front door on her way, drop it in the kitchen, other times she'll chase the cat. Sometimes, she has a few rare quiet moments on the floor in her play area. Mostly, she chats away. And lately, she's been carrying the Winnie the Pooh doll that John and Jamie gave her for her birthday everywhere. Today was the first time I saw her interact with him in a pretend play manner, though. She fed him Sadie's dog toy. She sat him up in her high chair. She sat him on Daddy's subwoofer, then tried to climb on it herself. (Don't worry, daddy. I didn't let her.) She was a flurry of activity all afternoon. She even required pretty minimal interraction from mommy. She seemed to be hungry all day, and told me so every twenty minutes or so. I'd give her a string cheese. She'd carry that in one hand, Pooh in the other all over the house in her circuit. She set it on the floor, picked it up, had a bite (ugh!), went and climbed into the dog's cage with it, and got about halfway through before Sadie (who was following Taylor around) couldn't resist seeing it on the floor one more time. Before I knew it, it was six; I'd harrassed Dana as much as I could for details about her new apartment and furniture and color scheme and kitchen color scheme, and it was dinner time. I made some broccoli and cheese veggie bites for Taylor. She housed three of them like it was nothing. I made three more. She also ate those! Her little belly was huge! She screamed in pain afterwards, and I knew she'd peed. It was this way all day. The pee stung her rash. I undressed her to change her, and decided that it was time for a nice soak in the bathtub. It was seepy and oozy. Weird. Off we went, she in her birthday suit, and I...still in my jammies. lol
I detoured to my room to gather her clean laundry to put away. It couldn't hurt for her to run around and air out for a bit. If she peed, well, frankly...I've cleaned up worse. I set the empty basket on the floor. She immediately dumped a pair of "socks" (shoes) into it, and proceeded to climb into it. I was a touch nervous, considering the sides of the basket were right at, ehem, 'gina level. It seemed as though she may get stuck, and it didn't look like that would be very comfortable. She didn't, at first. In and out, she climbed, sometimes falling out, sometimes using the crib or gliding ottoman to stabilize her. I have to admit, it was funny watching her try to use that ottoman to steady herself out of the basket. She was wobbling to and fro on the top end, and far from steady on her feet trying to climb out of this basket that looked like it was stuck in her bits and pieces.
Off to the bath we went, and all went well there. Nothing particularly interesting. Afterwards, all bundled in her hooded towel, we went back to the mayter room. She "brushed" her teeth, while I q-tipped, and lotioned, and desitin-ed; putting a particularly thick layer on the seepy parts. (ugh) There's nothing she loves more than having her feet rubbed after a bath, so much so that she'll give them back to you until she feels they've been sufficiently rubbed. It cracks me up. She even looks like it's relaxing. I must be good at it.
And then bedtime, glorious bedtime. When we're at home, it's a pretty smooth process. Bottle, give bottle back to mommy when finished, sit up, burp, be cuddled by mommy, get a kiss goodnight, be layed down by mommy, lights out...
ah, mommy time....

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